Last 30th of June, the theme of the program “Faça Chuva Faça Sol” was dedicated to rapeseed production. The programme “Faça Chuva Faça Sol” is a weekly show on the RTP2 channel about agriculture and forestry in Portugal. It aims to revolutionise the way agriculture and forestry are looked at in Portugal, demonstrating growth, value creation and sustainable alternatives.
In recent years, there have been several attempts to introduce this crop in Portugal. However, it was only in 2015, due to a new push by SOVENA and some farmers, that it was successful. GO Oleocolza was then created with the objective of evaluating the impact of different varieties on the productive capacity of rapeseed in Alentejo and Ribatejo Region.
In this section, with the participation of several partners of this Operational Group, the importance of rapeseed as a rotation crop was highlighted due to the specific characteristics it presents such as the type of root, which helps to improve soil structure, and the various uses it can have for industry, particularly as a biofuel. These are elements that GO Oleocolza intends to explore and boost, together with the entire rapeseed value chain.
You can watch the full episode on RTP PLAY.
The partners of GO Oleocolza: