Organization and sponsors of Tecnoagro Iberia made a donation to the Food Bank of Évora

The organization and sponsors of Tecnoagro Iberia, due to the postponement of the Almond Conference, scheduled for March 11th and 12th in Évora, decided to donate all the food already purchased for the planned field visit, to the Food Bank of Évora.

Although this event of excellence has been able to bring together some of the main personalities in the sector and to have more than 400 registered, the scale of information and measures announced in recent days about the coronavirus pandemic by the governments of Portugal and Spain forced the organization to postpone this event.

Stay tuned! The new conference date will be announced very soon and registration will be open again!

Other News

1 de February, 2022

This year the AGRIDOAR campaign raised more than 30,000€

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9 de June, 2022

Fruta Dragão Project organizes seminar on June 23

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