Our projects

In response to challenges raised by our clients, the CONSULAI team responds with motivation to develop the best projects.

Innovation projects

National cereals appreciation and creation of a tracking system along the production chain, based on blockchain and Smart Contracts, able to receive the trust of all consumers and parties involved.
Sharing, demonstration and innovation network which aims to promote the qualification Producers' Organizations and their associates, with an impact on their competitiveness and differentiation.
SPIN: Intelligent Precision Spraying Solution
This project aims to develop an innovative sprayer for arboreal-shrub crops, through a completely innovative and disruptive solution, taking into account the evolution of the world market.
Operational Group - ChildLamb
Valuing less noble parts of lamb for preparing meat products especially geared to early infancy.
Operational Group – FDControlo
The importance of alternative carriers in spreading the disease 'Flavescence Dorée' (FD) and in populations of Scaphoideus titanus.
Operational Group – Fruta Dragão
Validating the productive capability of Red Pitaya.
Operational Group – Gojiberries
Identifying the differences between the two main cultivars of Lycium barbarum – 'Short Leaf' and 'Long Leaf' –, and qualitative analysis of the fruit's components.
Operational Group – OleoColza
Obtaining Colza variety(ies) with superior characteristics in terms of quality, introduced as high-yield rotating crops.
ENTOVALOR - Insects as an opportunity for waste recovery
This project is based on the principle of circular economy applying it to the agri-food sector. The link that allows this connection is the larvae of insects of the species Hermetia illucens.
Project 4.1 – Yellow Corn
Intensive farming and biodiversity.
Project 4.1 – Smartcrop
Sustainable competitiveness.
Project 4.1 – Novinoc
New microbial inoculants for pastures in agricultural-forestry-grazing livestock systems.
Project 4.1 – Rustic Rye
Recovery of rye populations in the Serra da Estrela region.
Project 4.1 – FilmAgRega
Assessing the benefits and drawbacks of two irrigation modes and covering film.
Project 4.1 – Micropropelite
Developing new varieties of allogamic species of elite clover lines.
Project 4.1 – Olivoreg
Optimisation and yield.
Project 4.1 – Persleg
Assessing the persistence of native legumes.
Project 4.1 - AQUA+(PRO)
Smart irrigation to support the production of 'rocha' pear in Portugal's West region.
Project 4.1 - Aroma4Safe
Testing different modes for the production of Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni and Thymus mastichina L. ('Bela-luz' thyme), which can potentially replace sugar and salt in foods, respectively.
Project 4.1 - +Lupinus
Creating more resistant and value-added varieties of lupin nationwide.
Project 4.1 - Milho Pipoca
Production of corn varieties for making popcorn, thereby opening up a new market for corn growers in Portugal.

Internationalization projects

National brand promotion
Submission of a joint project, through an application to the QREN under the Incentive System for the Qualification and Internationalization of SMEs, to support the promotion and internationalization actions of its members.
CONSULAI Internationalisation
CONSULAI Internationalisation | Aid to Investment in Portugal and in Portuguese-Speaking Countries.

Sectorial studies

Business models in the provinces of Huambo and Benguela
ADRA - Action for Rural Development and Environment is a non-profit organization, which has a microcredit project to support agricultural associations and cooperatives.
Cabinda Integrated Agricultural Development Study
It is part of the commitment to diversify the Angolan economy. The importance of investing in the development of the agricultural and food sectors in the country, and in the province of Cabinda, in particular, justifies the African Development Bank to promote this study.
PEDR's Angola Evaluation
In order to analyze the implementation of the Extension and Rural Development Program (ERDP) in Angola, and launch a new Extension and Rural Development Program for the post-2012 period, an evaluation was carried out in the field of the execution of the results of the implementation of the ERDP.
Angola's industrialization program - Food and Beverage
The Angola Industrialization Program (PIA) is the guiding document for industrial activities in Angola, to be promoted in the period 2013-2017. The Food and Beverages sub-sector is strategic for the country and for territorial cohesion, being one of the sectors with the greatest dynamics and the greatest potential for the country's economic diversification.
Angola's industrialization program - Wood and Furniture and Pulp, Paper and Cardboard
The Angola Industrialization Program (PIA) is the guiding document for industrial activities in Angola, to be promoted in the period 2013-2017. The subsectors of Madeira and Furniture and Pulp, Paper and Cardboard are fundamental for the country's development and with enormous export potential.
Study on the potential of barley production in Angola
The aims' study is to identify the productive potential of the Angolan territory, defining potential priority areas, pointing out the existing limitations for the implementation of an agricultural project based on the production of barley.
Loyalty Program
The program's objective is, on the one hand, to increase the degree of loyalty of current producers and, on the other hand, to increase the adhesion of new producers to the breeding of calves of the Angus breed, with a view to increasing the offer of calves of this breed on the market and satisfy the growing consumer demand for this type of meat.
As part of the fulfillment of its mission, the IVV is responsible for implementing and monitoring the vineyard restructuring and conversion measure (VITIS Program). In order to fulfill this function, and to meet the obligations provided for in European regulations, the IVV established standard tables of unit costs, according to a fair, equitable and verifiable calculation method.
Study on the potential of barley production in Mozambique
The aims of the study is to identify the productive potential of the Mozambican territory, defining potential priority areas, pointing out the existing limitations for the implementation of an agricultural project based on the production of barley.
Traditional product promotion
ACPA intended to define a plan to give greater national and international notoriety to meat and pork from Alentejo - PDO.
Prospective study for the forestry sector
The current scenario of market uncertainty and redefinition of national and European policies can lead to changes in the forestry sector with problems in terms of production, the industry's supply chain and, consequently, the competitiveness of the sector's agents. Given these circumstances, AIFF took the lead on this issue and launched the challenge in order to answer the following question: In view of the needs of the industry, will there be raw material in Portugal in the coming years?
Opportunities in the grain industry
ANPOC requested a study that identified opportunities for improving and maximizing the value of the activity of its members.
Impact of the new CAP on extensive cattle
Carrying out a study to assess the impact of the CAP reform after 2013 (2014-2020 period) on the range of extensive cattle, namely indigenous breeds, and possible consequences for the farms dedicated to this production.