Internship IEFP | Digital Marketing Trainee – Come and wear our shirt!

We are looking for a Digital Marketing Trainee to join the team.

Job description
We are looking for a Digital Marketing Trainee to provide support to several national and international projects. Websites and social media management will be an important part of the job, with strong writing communication skills (some in Portuguese, but mostly in English). Candidates should be excellent communicators with creative thinking and analytical skills.

Be a part of a team where you will
• Support the management of websites, email marketing and social media in national and international projects
• Support the production of communication materials (e.g. press releases, publications, digital contents, flyers/booklets and campaigns)
• Prepare presentations and reports
• Monitor and evaluate marketing and communication activities (including media exposure, analyse KPIs to measure performance, analyse trends, benchmarking)
• Support internal communication

You have
• A degree in marketing/ communication/ similar areas, with a component of digital marketing, or a master / post-graduation / further training in this area
• High fluency in Portuguese and English (verbal and written); Spanish or French is a plus
• Good knowledge of web design, video editing software and others (e.g. Adobe Illustrator; Mailchimp; Photoshop; Filmora; Premiere; WordPress; Wix);
• A good understanding of media relations and digital media strategies
• Creative thinking and analytical skills
• Excellent organisational and presentation skills
• Ability to work autonomously in a fast-paced environment
• A strong focus on accomplishment of deadlines
• Solid editing and researching skills
• Proficiency in MS Office
• A Customer-oriented profile
• Eligibility to be a trainee under the IEFP programme

If you want to join the CONSULAI team as a Digital Marketing Trainee, send us an email, with your CV to, with the subject “Estágio DIGITAL MARKETING 2022″.

Find out more about CONSULAI here.

Check the eligibility conditions for a professional internship with IEFP, here.

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