IDT SPIN Field Day | Presentation of the innovative sprayer

The IDT SPIN project – Intelligent Precision Spraying Solution (POCI-01-0247-FEDER-046997) is a project co-funded by COMPETE that aims to develop an innovative sprayer for arboreal-shrub crops – the SPIN. 

Led by TOMIX, and with 5 partners, including CONSULAI, IDT SPIN project began in January 2021 and will end in June 2023. This project occurred from the need to develop a completely innovative and disruptive solution in the sector of sprayers for tree and shrub crops, taking into account the evolution of the world market.  

After a year and a half of work developed on the various components of the sprayer, the time has come to present the first prototype, with a field demonstration, next August 2nd, at 09h00, at ENFVN/INIAV, Alcobaça. 

Consult the program here and register at:  

The innovative typology of this equipment (whose prototype will be presented on the field day), counts on the contribution of TOMIX and the other partners: design and introduction of technology (with prototyping mainly under the responsibility of INESC TEC), laboratory tests in the area of aerodynamic studies (mainly under the responsibility of INEGI) and field validation (mainly under the responsibility of INIAV, I. P. – primary validation – and of CAMPOTEC IN – large-scale validation), complemented with the contribution of CONSULAI in the development of a module in the Business Intelligence (BI) tool for assessing the reduction of secondary effects on air, soil and ecological footprint. One of the central concerns of this task is, through this tool (BI), to develop a module for quantifying the environmental and economic benefits of the SPIN solution. 

Learn more about the project and its goals at:  

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